June 9th is World Accreditation Day, a day established by IAF and ILAC to recognize the importance of accreditation, a formal recognition earned by organizations proving they are qualified, competent, and comply with international standards. Not only does accreditation create confidence in the
World Accreditation Day 2023: Planting the Seed of Quality
June 9th is World Accreditation Day, a global initiative set forth by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) to celebrate the importance of accreditation. Members of the two organizations, along with its partners, stakeholders,
World Accreditation Day 2022
June 9, 2022 is World Accreditation Day, celebrated globally since 2007. The 2022 World Accreditation Day (WAD) theme is Accreditation: Sustainability in Economic Growth and the Environment. How can accreditation support two visions: economic growth and a healthy environment, two objectives that