A2LA accredits laboratories that test children’s products for high priority chemicals of concern for children’s health (HPCCCH).
On March 1, 2021, the state of Oregon published Phase 3 Rulemaking of the Toxic-Free Kids Act. This act requires manufacturers of children’s products with annual worldwide gross sales of $5 million or greater to submit a biennial notice to the Oregon Health Authority detailing any products that contain high priority chemicals of concern for children’s health (HPCCCH) at or above Oregon regulated levels. Phase 3 Rulemaking provides measures for manufacturers to request an exemption. The exemption must include adequate evidence that the contaminant is being controlled, including periodic laboratory test reports from a third-party laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by an ILAC MRA signatory such as A2LA. The laboratory must be accredited for the method used to conduct the testing.
This specialty program is covered under the A2LA chemical field of testing.
Program Requirements
- ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.