8.9.2 – Is my laboratory required to define a time frame within which we will review all the required input topics after our initial accreditation?
8.9.1 – I am a new testing laboratory getting ready to apply for accreditation. Do I have to perform a management review before I can become accredited?
8.8.2 – Is my laboratory required to define a time frame within which we will perform a complete internal audit?
8.8.1 – I am a new laboratory getting ready to apply for accreditation. Do I have to perform a complete internal audit of my management system and testing activities before I can become accredited?
8.5.2 – Are records of planned and implemented actions to address risks and/or opportunities required by the standard?
8.3.2 – Am I required to keep records showing that I have periodically reviewed my controlled documents?
8.2.1 – Is there a record of acknowledgment needed for this clause?