A2LA Today l March 2017 l Number 134 By Kelsey Roberts, A2LA Marketing & Business Development Manager A2LA is proud to announce that its Scope of Recognition as an Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) Multi-Lateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) signatory has been expanded to include
A2LA Issues First ISO 17034:2016 Accreditation in the United States
A2LA Today l June 2017 l Number 135 By Ashly Carter, A2LA Program Manager A2LA is proud to announce the accreditation of Brammer Standard Company, Inc., located in Houston, TX, as the first organization in the United States to achieve accreditation to the newly released International Standard,
A2LA Recognized by TNI for Accrediting Environmental Labs
A2LA Today l March 2017 l Number 134 By Chris Gunning, A2LA Accreditation Manager A2LA is proud to announce that it has received recognition as a non-governmental accreditation body (NGAB) from The NELAC Institute (TNI) for accrediting environmental laboratories, using ISO/IEC 17025 and the TNI
A2LA to Accredit Special Inspection Agencies in Philadelphia
A2LA Today l June 2017 l Number 135 A2LA is now recognized by the City of Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections to provide ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Requirements for the Operation of Various Types of Bodies Performing Inspection accreditation for Special Inspection Agencies conducting
AOAC and Industry to Set Voluntary Consensus Standards for Cannabis
A2LA Today l September 2016 l Number 132 By Susan Audino, S.A. Audino and Associates, LLC *reprinted from the May/June 2016 issue of AOAC Inside Laboratory Management AOAC and industry are partnering to develop Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) in an effort to find the best
Pam Wright Honored at NCSLI 2016 Event
A2LA Today l September 2016 l Number 132 By Kelsey Roberts, A2LA Marketing Coordinator A2LA Calibration Accreditation Manager, Pam Wright, was honored by NCSL International at their 2016 Workshop and Symposium. Ms. Wright was presented with the following awards by NCSLI President, Roger
Pete Unger Honored by ASTM International
A2LA Today l September 2016 l Number 132By Kelsey Roberts, A2LA Marketing CoordinatorA2LA President Emeritus, Peter Unger, has been granted an Award of Merit and the honorary title of Fellow by ASTM International. This award recognizes Mr. Unger for his outstanding service, significant contribution
Peter Unger Honored for Years of Service at ILAC General Assembly
A2LA Today l December 2016 l Number 133By Kelsey Roberts, Marketing & Business Development ManagerPeter Unger, A2LA President Emeritus, has served on the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Executive Committee since 2001. His most recent position as ILAC Chair has spanned