A2LA has been offering accreditation for over forty years. We currently hold Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Deemed-Status and are a signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Agreement to provide clinical laboratory accreditation to the
9 Steps to A2LA Accreditation: ISO 15189:2022
If your clinical testing organization is seeking accreditation for the first time, the standards and their requirements can often feel overwhelming. Although the road seems long from the start, A2LA’s friendly customer care representatives, knowledgeable accreditation officers, and expert assessors
ISO Publishes Revisions to ISO 15189
A2LA staff member Randy Querry among team of experts who developed the 4th edition of the standard Frederick, Md (December 7, 2022) – The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published the 4th edition of ISO 15189:2022 on December 6, 2022. The revisions to the standard