There is a growing trend of forensic organizations becoming accredited. This trend is for a variety of reasons, including state requirements, a means for receiving grants, or an organization’s desire to demonstrate that the work they perform is repeatable, reliable, defensible, and performed by
Accreditation Case Study: King County Regional AFIS
The King County Regional Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) in Seattle, Washington is a public program that offers fingerprint identification services, as well as other forensic collection services, to criminal justice agencies throughout the county. While they have been accredited
New Semiconductor Chip Bills & The Value of Accreditation & Testing
Semiconductors have regularly made headlines this summer as congress deliberated on several bills in efforts to bolster the U.S. semiconductor manufacturing industry. Congress passed HB 4346, referred to as the “Chips-plus” and the “chips and science” bill, volleying it to the Executive Branch for
Securisea Becomes First FedRAMP 3PAO Accredited Through New Process
In June of 2018, A2LA initiated a new system for third-party assessment organizations (3PAOs) seeking to become FedRAMP accredited. Under this system, any organization seeking to become an accredited 3PAO must first become accredited to A2LA’s Cybersecurity Inspection Body Program. Organizations
A2LA Accredits Escondido Police Department Forensic Services Unit
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFor more information, contact: Brittney Bryant Phone: A2LA Accredits Escondido Police Department Forensic Services Unit to ISO/IEC 17020:2012October 10, 2019, Frederick, MD – A2LA is pleased to announce the accreditation of the Escondido Police
A2LA Launches Cybersecurity Inspection Body Program
June 6, 2018, Frederick, MD – A2LA is proud to announce the launch of its new Cybersecurity Inspection Body Program. This third-party accreditation offers an independent review of an organization’s compliance to both ISO/IEC 17020 (Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing
A2LA to Accredit Special Inspection Agencies in Philadelphia
A2LA Today l June 2017 l Number 135 A2LA is now recognized by the City of Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections to provide ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Requirements for the Operation of Various Types of Bodies Performing Inspection accreditation for Special Inspection Agencies conducting
World Accreditation Day 2017
A2LA Today l March 2017 l Number 134June 9, 2017 marks World Accreditation Day as a global initiative, jointly established by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), to raise awareness of the importance of accreditation.This