In This Issue... 2018 Marks A2LA’s 40th Anniversary in the Laboratory Accreditation Industry Highlights from the 2018 A2LA Technical Forum & Annual Meeting A2LA Reapproved by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as an Accreditation Organization Under the CLIA 88 A2LA
A2LA 2018 Annual Report
A2LA is a non-profit, non-governmental, public service, membership society dedicated to the formal recognition of competent laboratories and related activities. During 2018, A2LA maintained a membership of 641 individuals and organizations. Download the 2018 Annual Report
A2LA Stakeholders Participate in AOAC Working Group on Cannabis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE A2LA Staff Participates in Award-Winning AOAC Working Group on Cannabis October 6, 2017, Frederick, MD – Members of the Stakeholder Panel on Strategic Food Analytical Methods (SPSFAM) “Cannabis Potency” Working Group were awarded the Official Methods Board (OMB) Award for
ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC 17011 Update
A2LA Today l December 2017 l Number 137 By Trace McInturff, A2LA Senior Director, Accreditation Services ISO/IEC 17025:2017 was approved and released on November 29, 2017. As previously determined, ILAC (as well as the regional bodies APLAC and IAAC) have mandated a 3-year implementation for all
New & Updated Documents December 2017
A2LA Today l December 2017 l Number 137 By Pam Wright, A2LA Quality Manager The following documents have been updated within the controlled A2LA management system. The following documents are available on the A2LA website or on your customized portal (as appropriate) unless otherwise
A2LA Recognized by U.S. Department of Energy to Accredit in DOECAP
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: Kelsey Roberts Marketing Manager Phone: 240 575 7499 Email: A2LA Recognized by U.S. Department of Energy to Provide Accreditation in Consolidated Audit Program (DOECAP) November 20, 2017, Frederick, MD – A2LA has
First A2LA ISO 15189 Accreditation in South America
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Guyana Laboratory is First South American Laboratory to Achieve A2LA ISO 15189:2012 Accreditation October 3, 2017, Frederick, MD – A2LA is proud to announce the accreditation of Dr. Balwant Singh’s Hospital in Guyana. This is A2LA’s
A2LA End-of-Summer Event
A2LA Today l September 2017 l Number 136 By Karin Athanas, A2LA Business Development ManagerOn August 24, 2017, A2LA hosted our first A2LA End-of-Summer event at A2LA headquarters. The event celebrated A2LA’s successes, growth, and vision for 2018 and included local A2LA members, assessors,