The National Industrial Hemp Council of America (NIHC) accepts A2LA ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for entry into the A2LA-NIHC Verify Joint Hemp/Cannabis Recognition Program as part of their approval process for their NIHC Verify program for hemp testing laboratories. This program allows the hemp
The A2LA Thermal Testing Program accredits laboratories performing tests on a variety of temperature-related products. Thermal Testing Areas Environmental simulation testing Flammability and fire hazard testing Testing of residential and commercial appliances such as HVAC and thermostat
Sustainable Energy Testing
The A2LA Sustainable Energy Testing Accreditation Program fulfills regulatory standards and energy industry expectations. A2LA's Sustainable Energy field of testing is normally associated with testing efficient use of energy in a variety of marketplace products, and testing of products designed to
Sampling & Testing Accreditation
A2LA’s sampling field of accreditation can apply to any sampling done for subsequent testing. Accreditation can be offered to testing laboratories that wish to also be accredited for the sampling that they are performing. Stand-Alone Sampling Organizations (SASOs) can also be accredited to
Nondestructive Testing Accreditation Program – NDT
The A2LA Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Program offers trusted accreditation for organizations performing NDT in dozens of industries by laboratories and inspection bodies. Nondestructive Testing Technologies Radiography Magnetic particle Ultrasonic Liquid penetrant
Mechanical Testing Accreditation
The A2LA Mechanical field of testing relates to tests, measurements, and evaluation of physical properties of materials, components, and assemblies across a wide variety of industries and products. Materials tested in the A2LA Mechanical field can include metals, plastics, rubber, textiles, wood,
Information Technology Accreditation Program
The A2LA information technology (IT) field of testing covers organizations that test the virtual, physical, logical, or analytical aspects of an information system environment. Information Technology Accreditation Program Requirements ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence of
Geotechnical Testing Accreditation Program
A2LA’s geotechnical field of testing is designed to meet the needs of users looking for competent geotechnical testing services. The scope of this field includes, but is not limited to the following material areas: Soils Soil-cement Rock Peat materials Geotextiles Applications