Accreditation bodies, like A2LA, accredit PTPs to ISO/IEC 17043, the general requirements for the competence of proficiency testing providers, to provide third-party assurance and give customers confidence in the quality of the program. PT Canada (PTC), an A2LA accredited proficiency testing
We Support Accurate, Accessible COVID-19 Testing
Oneworld Accuracy, a Vancouver-based proficiency testing provider, recently contacted A2LA with a request to expand their scope of accreditation to cover their newly developed COVID-19 proficiency testing program under ISO/IEC 17043. Due to the severity of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, A2LA and
A2LA Expands IAAC Scope to Include ISO/IEC 17043 & ISO17034
A2LA Today l March 2017 l Number 134 By Kelsey Roberts, A2LA Marketing & Business Development Manager A2LA is proud to announce that its Scope of Recognition as an Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) Multi-Lateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) signatory has been expanded to include
World Accreditation Day 2017
A2LA Today l March 2017 l Number 134June 9, 2017 marks World Accreditation Day as a global initiative, jointly established by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), to raise awareness of the importance of accreditation.This